Media Milik Siapa?

the invisible hands, computer art, by me, 2009

Beberapa hari ini aku lagi demen banget membicarakan media. Tentang media Singapura yang menyiarkan berita meninggalnya mahasiswa Nanyang Technological University (NTU) dari Indonesia, David Hartanto Widjaja.

David dikabarkan bunuh diri setelah menikam salah satu dosen di universitas tersebut. Sungguh menyedihkan. Tapi disini aku nggak bicara tentang kisah David. Kalau mau ceritanya lihat referensi di bawah :)

Cuma cross posting dari milist HI 2005, ini mungkin bisa jadi obrolan yang menarik.

Pertanyaan yang diajukan salah satu temanku, Sururi, membuatku ikut berpikir
"apakah media sedang melakukan framing?"

Green and Modern City of S’Pore

Di Orchard Rd. SG, 2009
It was lucky me going to the Singapore for the first abroad experience. Singapore seems to be a very modern country for me. The city planning is so neat. There are a lot of great and modern architectural buildings in the middle of green city forest. Various birds are flying above the buildings. High variety of trees can also be found in the city forest nearby, almost everywhere in the city. The trees are not only various, but also old and well grown. Instead of that, developing project of buildings is covered with high fence, so that nobody is being inconvenience near the project. It looks as if the government care about resident service very well. But one thing that disturbs me is that in Singapore the prices were pretty high compared with Indonesian price. It is just because the country of Singapore is actually lack of natural resources. They import almost everything, so the production process costs higher.

Sita Sarit • 2018-2019